Nominated For An Award & We Need Your Vote

Great news….

This post A Teen Milestone: Setting Boundaries In Relationships and this one A Teen Milestone: Analyzing Feelings were part of a campaign created by the Center for Parent and Teen Communication. The campaign highlighted parent-teen relationships, defining moments & milestones.

There were 19 participants total & together, we ended up with a Shorty Awards Nomination. *insert fireworks* No idea about Shorty Awards? I copied this description from their website,

“The Shorty Awards is an international awards competition honoring brands, agencies & organizations producing great content across digital and social.”

This is truly an honor for us all & we need your help to cross the finish line. Your vote really does matter in more ways than one.

At this link,, you’ll learn about the entirety of the campaign & more importantly vote for us. Ask your friends, family, co-workers & anyone else to vote, too, if you’re up for it.


This is why I always thank you for your support. It MEANS SOMETHING. And seeing that we’re up against people like Lady Gaga & RuPaul with this nomination, your vote can make all the difference. It’s exciting to think that you’d take a few moments of your day to support this endeavor.

And yes… winning would be amazing but I admit… it’s pretty cool just to be nominated!

Btw… did you notice my big baby in the right bottom corner of the photo? I adore this pic of her. She’s really growing up by leaps & bounds. She’s a teenager I’m fiercely proud of & hers is a journey I’m blessed to witness.

We have more content involving parents & teens coming up in the near future. Be on the lookout for that.

As always THANK YOU. I hope you’ve had a great weekend!