It's A Huge Dream Killer

Now that coffee has kicked in, I’m ready to rock & roll!

These days, although I still produce, I swear I’m a zombie until caffeine power enters my system. How about you?

A heads up… I have new blog posts coming your way. I’m finally getting to the fashion side of things. New products, too. Some of them will be brand collaborations but also those I’ve tried on my own.

Always know that anything I promote is something I’ve used myself.

New projects are underway as well that I’ll soon share. We’re still figuring things out but moving forward in spite of imperfections. And that’s what I want to chat about today.

The paralyzing power of the need for perfection.

It’s a dream killer.

Too often there are goals we desire to achieve. However, we won’t start working towards them because conditions aren’t perfect. We don’t have the perfect equipment, connections, looks, etc.

My friend…. waiting on perfect conditions is a sure way to never realize your goal(s).

This mindset will keep you stuck right where you are. It’s fear-based instead of faith-based. And to accomplish anything-especially a dream-you must have faith.

You have to hold onto that faith even when you can’t see your way; When you don’t know how you’ll get there or how things will work out.

You’ll often have to become a student along the way. For example, I learned to do a bit of coding when I started blogging. I didn’t have money to pay professionals so I taught myself. I had to learn a bit of graphic design & teach myself video editing, too.

Your faith will also carry you through when those you love/care about don’t have it. When those same people walk away from you. When things aren’t going as planned. When your goals are taking longer to achieve than you ever thought they would.

And guess what…. they’ll take even longer if you don’t get started. That’s right my friend. Start right where you are with what you have.

Yes, use that old “rinky-dink” camera if need be. No camera? Use your phone to do your recordings.

No start-up money for your business idea? Reach out to your local SBA (Small Business Administration) for advice. They are there to help!

If you don’t have a warehouse or some additional space to create your product, carve out an area in your home or garage. Designate a corner in your kitchen or living room that’s just for your project. I know of people who’ve turned their small closets into office spaces. That’s call functionality & innovation!

I love that.

Written a book but don’t have a publisher? Sell it yourself! It can start as an e-book or sell the physical copies right out of your car. Walk your neighborhood & let people know you have something of value.

Sell yourself. Sacrifice & do what you must until you can do better. Believe in YOU even if others don’t.

That’s how we have to be. Creatives & anyone with an entrepreneurial mindset has to think outside of the box. Everything is figureoutable. (Thanks Marie Forleo!) If you haven’t read that book… honey… you’re missing out. It will energize your entire life.

Check out this blog post I wrote about books that’ll put a fire under you: 5 Books That'll Give You The Kick In The Butt You Need

ALWAYS read friends. It’ll take you places.

And if you’re not the type to read, listen to audiobooks. You can purchase them on Audible & at bookstores. Or, do what I do & borrow them from your local library for free.

I’ll often get an audiobook & listen to it while driving or folding laundry. You have to create time to do things that are important to you. Filling your inner cup, having a reservoir of inspiration, is vital to your success. That’s what books do in addition to educating and entertaining.

I have to wind this up because deadlines & duty calls, but let’s ditch the perfectionist mindset. OKAY?

Work more intricately on the details as you grow. For now, please, just get started on that dream you have. It wants you just as much as you want it.

The vision you have was given to you for a reason. You can achieve it. And you will if you don’t let your fear of “imperfection” stop you.

My friends… one day I’m going to tell my story. The path from where I started, to where I am, & where I'm headed. The beautiful & extremely painful details. The ups & downs, supports & betrayals. And by then, I’ll be in an even better position to help & encourage you.

So much love to you beautiful soul. Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world. I’m wishing you the best day possible. <3