A Teen Milestone: Analyzing Feelings

This post is made possible with support from the Center for Parent and Teen Communication, part of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. All opinions are my own.

Analyzing one’s feelings is a lifelong occurrence — a skill to practice & improve. As it relates to my children, it’s a welcomed milestone.

My teenage daughter has really matured in this area. She checks in with herself most of the time without being prompted. This was especially evident in a recent situation.

While doing homework, she mentioned feeling anxious. Of course, I dug deeper & asked for specifics. Fear & confusion were her top descriptions. I advised her to sit with the feelings for a while & see what else surfaced.

She came to me later still feeling anxious but with impressive clarity. I learned that at school, a couple of her friends seemed standoffish towards her. We discussed possible causes but without their input, we knew we could only assume.

I suggested my daughter contact them directly instead. She agreed and then went deeper by telling me why she felt so anxious.

She reminded me of a similar incident years ago, how excluded she felt, & how she spiraled afterward. That was a tough school year! Instead of taking that route again, she’s learning to analyze & communicate. I couldn’t be more proud!

To understand more about your maturing teenager, the Center for Parent and Teen Communication website is a valuable resource. Science-based strategies are used by the organization to support healthy family relationships.

Information on analyzing feelings & other milestones are brief but in-depth. I suggest reading them all & then let me know which milestones your teen has reached. Go a step further by signing up for their 100-word daily parenting tip newsletter.