Tips For Exercising With Your Kids At Home

working out with kids tips

Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, or build serious muscle, the ultimate goal is to be fit & healthy. Am I right? If you’re a stay-at-home or work-from-home mom with younger kids, it can be challenging to get those workouts done.

 I’m speaking from experience.

 Warming up properly is almost impossible with a baby clutching your legs. Stretching feels like a joke when your toddler is climbing your body like a jungle gym. It’s equally hard to focus when your child is crying just to hear the sound of it. I’ve been there!

Don’t allow yourself to get discouraged. If you're already discouraged, don't stay there. I have a few tips that will help you like they’ve helped me. Learn how to better prepare for a kickass workout with kids in tow.


1. Make An Appointment With Yourself

Don’t wait until the day of to decide to exercise. Instead, sit down over the weekend & schedule your workouts in your planner. If you know when you’re working out & what type of workout you’re doing, you’ll set yourself up for success. By all means, keep that appointment! It’s your most important form of self-care. If you have the convenience of a babysitter, make sure he/she will be available during that time period.


2. Gather Your Things

When it pertains to fitness, you cannot afford to be unprepared with younger kids around. On the same day you add your workouts to your planner, also make sure your favorite gym clothes are clean. You don’t want to find them at the bottom of the hamper on the day you need them. If you have preferred sports bras, sweat bands, gym shorts, or sneakers, gather them. Put them in a gym bag or drawer so they’re easily accessible.

3. Think About Food

The same way you prepped your gym clothes, prepare a weekly menu. Know what meals you & your child will have especially on exercise days. Be sure you have what you need or head out to the grocery store. If meal times are chaotic, push yourself to get up a little earlier so you both eat a filling breakfast.

Have snacks & drinks prepped before your workout. My youngest daughter always asked for food while I was exercising. I finally smartened up & brought her snacks to the room with us. I’d put them in a caddy & her drink in a spill-proof cup to minimize messes. If you have a baby, be sure to handle feedings beforehand.


For the rest of my tips about exercising at home with kids, go HERE to Melinated Mommy & read my latest guest post!

Let me know if any of the tips help you or if you have additional ones to add.