The Easiest Way To Get Fruits & Veggies In My Kids
Blueberries & Strawberries
& Kale
Red Apples & Bananas
Like me, my daughters love to eat. They were raised to have a reasonable balance between the good/not-so-good. I don’t restrict any foods but I do monitor how much they consume. Take cookies for instance… they can’t eat half a pack at once but a few are okay.
Get my drift?
Although they’re not opposed to the healthy stuff & have fairly diverse palates, their tastes have changed through the years-especially those of my oldest. Some of the fruits & veggies she once craved are a thing of the past. She either doesn’t like them overall or has an issue with the texture, appearance, etc.
Hello teen years!
Admittedly, when these changes first occurred I was ready to release her to the wild. I couldn’t seem to buy or cook anything healthy that she’d eat. Dishes I’d made for years no longer sufficed. As a parent, that’s frustrating.
A Miracle Occurred
Over time & after many conversations, we figured some things out. Then, what I consider a miracle happened. When I got back into making smoothies for myself, my #2PeanutButterGirls found a new thing.
They’ve had smoothies in the past but forgot about them. My youngest now asks for one almost daily. When I make hers, I make them for each of us.
On a regular day, we have smoothies with lunch & then head outside for some fresh air. When I’m able to prep things the day before, we may have them with or for breakfast, too. Smoothies make a great start to the day & fuel our bodies.
Even the best changes surrounding my girls come with work, however. I have to make adjustments because all fruits & veggies aren’t created equal to our taste buds. For example… my youngest & I typically enjoy almond milk, spinach, kale, strawberries, bananas, & blueberries in our smoothies. My oldest doesn’t like banana nor a strong blueberry taste. She does like the other stuff & apples.
Including my daughters in meal planning & writing grocery lists is vital to my sanity. I enjoy purchasing a variety of items & new things to try. However, I don’t like wasting money nor my time prepariing things they won’t eat. This sentiment also applies to making smoothies.
I’m sure you’re curious about the amounts of fruits & veggies I add to our smoothies. I honestly just “eyeball” everything but I’ll share my suggestions. Adjust these measurements to your tastes & those of your kids.
For my oldest (12 years) & myself (approximately):
*1 cup of spinach/kale mixture
*1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of each fruit.
*Palm full of nuts when available
For my youngest (7 years), I use half of those amounts.
Being Mindful of Our Health
It’s fall & the end of October which means flu season is among us. On top of that, coronavirus. Now is the time to be especially mindful of our health & what we put into our bodies.
No… fruits, vegetables, vitamins, drinking water, etc, won’t stop us from experiencing some sicknesses. They don’t make us invincible but they do give our bodies an advantage. Consuming healthier products provides our immune system with more power to fight.
Living a healthier lifestyle is what I've instilled in my daughters for years. I’m always giving them nuggets of wisdom about the benefits of good health & how it affects quality of life as they age. Again, I don’t completely restrict food items but I do monitor. We can “throw down” on a juicy burger & fries with the best of ‘em. Just not everyday.
Moderation people. Moderation.
Other Things We Like In Smoothies
-Peanut Butter
-Almond Butter
-Coconut milk
-Lemon juice
Do you and/or your kids enjoy smoothies? What do you put in them? We’re always open to new suggestions.