Thriller Mom

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Powerlifting & Fitness... Let's Catch Up

Did you read the older post introducing you to my powerlifting journey? If not, it’s a quick read. I recommend starting there.

This is about my journey today. The hiccups. The rebound.

2020 took a lot from many of us. In terms of fitness, it took away my gym access & the equipment I was accustomed to. I have weights at home but not as heavy as I need them to be. I told you… I’m addicted to strength. Still, throughout that time I used what I had & did many of the bodyweight exercises within the powerlifting program.

While I remained strong, I watched my muscle tone & size start to disappear. I’m naturally very petite & it doesn’t take much to lose any weight that I gain.

A blessing & a curse.

All of the blood, sweat, & tears (literally!) I put into building the body I wanted, was melting away like snow by a fire. I was devastated. Goals you put time & energy into, you undoubtedly cherish. As a woman who loves strength & muscle, this was a tough blow.

Nevertheless, I picked up the pieces of my pride & persisted.

Sure… I got off course, lost focus here & there, even felt discouraged but I didn’t give up. I never do. I only turn away from something when I’m no longer interested. Otherwise, you’ve got a fight on your hands.

I’ve mentioned before… I’m not one who backs down easily.

Fast forward to present day & I’m back in the gym. I have a workout schedule & try hard to keep those appointments with myself. That’s right…. appointments. Time I spend with that barbell, with all of that heavy metal, has become sacred.

It’s self-care in the best way.

Honestly, over the past couple of years those weights have kept me out of trouble. I’ve thrown them around instead of people-no matter how deserving. I take out my frustrations on them. Lifting is a form of therapy & I have overall better health because of it.

Let’s Talk Numbers

I’m sorry to disappoint you but I no longer know my maxes. I didn’t attempt to jump into lifts as if I’d never skipped a beat. That’s the perfect recipe for injury.

Before, I was right at 200lbs in deadlifts, creeping up to 170 in squats, & all other numbers were increasing, too. This time around, I simply deloaded & started somewhere in the middle. No shame in my game.

I’m ecstatic, however, because I feel myself getting stronger each week. My muscle definition is returning, & my grip strength is crazy. I scare myself sometimes. YES… I’m celebrating my wins!

I’ll start tracking numbers again soon. Then come back to you with specifics.

Other hEALTh and fitness oUTlETs

-More cardio is definitely a focus. I like doing sprinting intervals & the cross country program on the treadmill. Running on trails is more my preference. I enjoy rugged terrain, hills & valleys but my knees aren’t what they used to be. This is where hiking & its slower pace works wonders as a replacement.

-Riding bikes with my daughters is a great workout & it’s fun, too. We haven’t ridden nearly enough lately. I’ll soon grab the new helmets I keep talking about & possibly new bikes. I think they’ve outgrown the others. When the girls were younger, I loved getting on bike trails at the park. My oldest would ride her tricycle most of the time or their father would pull both of them in a covered bike trailer.

-Over the past year, I’ve changed to a more plant-based diet. I still love meat. I just don’t eat as much of it. I’ll do my best to share food details in another post.

-Meditation has become vital. My day doesn’t feel complete without it. Because of that, I have a stronger interest in yoga. I want the focus, flexibility, & physical strength I notice others raving about. Even more so, the peace & inner calm.

All Caught Up

That’s it for now. It’s where I am. Better health is a lifelong journey for me, therefore, updates will be continual.

How are YOU doing on your fitness journey? Are you new to the lifestyle? Taking a hiatus or starting something new? Are you still going strong in a program? Let me know!

*Upcoming fitness post: My two key focuses for my body this year. Seeing that we’re all getting older, you may want to add them to your fitness goals, too.