Thriller Mom

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One Of The Greatest Lessons

Tomorrow is the last day of school for my oldest. She is leaving third grade and moving to fourth. It has been an amazing school year with tremendous accomplishments and a teacher neither of us want to let go of!

I'm happy about our participation in school events/activities throughout the year. We've donated this, collected that, and been in attendance as often as possible. One of the things we're most proud of, however, is our collection of tabs. We collected well over a thousand (Thanks G-Ma!). 



My daughter's class collected tabs as a donation for the Ronald McDonald House. It is a facility that houses sick kids and their accompanying family members. The "house" offers a comfortable and supportive environment during the challenging times they face in and out of medical treatment. 

There are many Ronald McDonald Houses around the world. We visited the Chapel Hill, NC facility and found it to not only be welcoming, but beautiful. The staff members were extremely friendly and grateful to receive donations. I implore you to find a facility near you and donate if possible. Check out their "wish list" or ask to find what items are needed/accepted at any time of the year. ( 



My daughter ended her third grade year seeing exactly what her efforts were for. She saw the importance of donating to causes like the RMHC  and how it helps people who are in need of assistance. It is an organization we will continue to support.

I've always been told it is greater to give than to receive and I can say assuredly that it feels much better! This is one of the greatest lessons my daughter has learned during her third grade year. I couldn't ask for more.