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3 Steps Added To Our Bedtime Routine (Game Changers!)

Adulting, motherhood, & aging have taught me the importance of taking my butt to bed early. I’ve mentioned my new obsession with sleep a few times via social media. Through my own experiences & research, I’m continuing to learn the many benefits of adequate sleep. Developing a bedtime routine did wonders for our family but adding a few steps to it created magic.

So what the heck did we do???

One… we tried essential oils.

Two… we diffuse them.

Three… we apply them directly.

But First…

Before going into more detail, let’s preface this with more common sense & essential tasks that aid in good sleep for my family: a set bedtime, warm shower/bath, teeth brushed, items prepared for the next day (clothes, lunches/snacks, backpacks, purses, shoes), a goodnight story. Having this routine sets the stage for us to get in bed in a relaxed mode. We’re not stressed about what wasn’t completed or has to be attacked the next morning.

Are we on top of this 100% of the time? No, but we are most of the time because we practice sticking to our plan daily. The more we set the intention & execute, the better we get.

In the beginning, I was the one to say “HEY… this is what’s happening. Let’s move!” It was challenging because although we’ve always had a bedtime in mind, we weren’t sticklers. I had to walk the walk & be an example by getting MYself in bed promptly. When my family saw that I wasn’t joking… when I started shutting things down & leaving everyone to fend for themselves… reality clicked for them.

It’s. Time. For. Bed. And. Mama. Is. Not. Playing.

We all function better when we’re well rested. I have more patience & energy to handle the day. My girls are happy & able to deal with whatever they face in school. Johnny is better able to handle his very physical work days. Sleep just makes things better dang it!

Oils We Use…

We use different oils for different reasons. We have some for colds, body aches, calming, etc. For bedtime on a regular night, lavender is our go-to. I apply it to our skin & I also diffuse it. I sometimes add a bit of chamomile to the diffuser as well.

I put 2-3 drops of lavender in my palm, rub my hands together, & apply it to the girls’ backs. I then put a drop on their wrists & bellies. The belly part was their idea. Kids love belly rubs. Hey… I love belly rubs, too!

I like to say an affirmation as I rub the lavender on their backs. Positive messages are great for their subconscious minds to ponder as they sleep. We have our own special saying that ties the night into the next day. I repeat it nightly & they won’t allow me to forget. LOL!

I apply the oil right after reading. My kids are avid readers & bedtime stories are our thing. The addition of the oil sets them up for sleep success.

(As I type this, I don’t see this diffuser on the Vitamin World website.)

Our Diffuser

I went into Vitamin World to pick up essentials & look for a diffuser right after Labor Day. My stepmom had recently purchased one on sale & suggested I stop by. The shelves were almost empty but I found a really cute one with an aromatherapy vibe.

Steam is tranquil as it exits & I love that the lights change color (red to white). I prefer diffusers with more forceful output but I’ve grown to like this one. When my girls had cold symptoms not long ago, I diffused oils in their room. It helped immensely with lessening coughs & stuffiness.

In other news, my daughters have fallen in love with the smell of the oils & the diffuser itself. It obviously belongs to them now & I’m on the hunt for another! (#MomLife, #Parenting)

No Promises…

I can’t promise you and/or your family will have the same results but having this new routine has been amazing for us. It was a game changer! Even if using oils isn’t of interest to you, I still recommend a routine & set bedtime for yourself & your family. It creates more focus around prioritizing tasks & adequate sleep.

Start a discussion about the benefits of sleep with your family. I am currently reading The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington. I highly recommend it.

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