Thriller Mom

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Setting Up For Your Comeback

I see you life. I see you.  

I'm standing at the threshold ready to to embark on new journeys and unfamiliar territory. My God... the things I've put off! The projects patiently waiting for me to get my glutes in gear.

It's funny how my life has transpired. I've been through so much heartache, self-deprecation, misjudgement, and disappointment. Most of the time, I've gotten in my own way hindering my success/progress. The thing I'm most proud of, however, is my perseverance. Even when I thought I'd given up "this time," I dusted myself off and kept going.

What about you? Where are you on your journey? Have you decided to step out on faith and do something new?  What projects are waiting to be embraced or jump-started by you?

Oh... you lost courage because so many things didn't work out before and it was your millionth time trying! Or perhaps, someone tried to steal your shine (and you let them) because they didn't believe in you/your idea/your purpose.

That's it isn't it? You've somehow fallen off the bench and now you don't know if you can get back up again. Well, I assure you that you can (and will!) IF you choose to.

Yep. I sure did. I just downplayed your hardship to two little letters: IF. 

I can do that because I've been right where you are. I can do that because I KNOW how the bottom feels, smells, and how the dirt tastes as others whiz by at the top without breaking stride.


Rock Bottom

I've fallen so often thinking that next time would be my big break. My knees are calloused from the falling, praying, and getting back up process! You don't know my struggles just as I don't know yours, BUT, the universal truth is that IF you don't choose to get back up, you will stay defeated. You will spend the rest of your life at the bottom, covered in everyone else's dirt from above.

I don't know about you, but the way my personality is set up, I can't tolerate being stepped on or walked over!

I'm not trying to push religion on you but everyone needs something bigger than themselves to grab a hold of when times get hard. You need an inner strength to push you forward. Whatever that is for you, hold on to it and use it. 



Let me share something with you... I vividly remember being at my dad's home defeated, disgusted, and in despair. I cursed my existence. I hated that I'd wasted time believing I was actually capable of succeeding at anything.

Oh yeah... it was bad!

I wanted to die. I really did. I felt like a disappointment to my loved ones, life, and myself. I was beginning to believe that God was laughing at my demise. My faith and hope were crumbling bit-by-bit, one moment at a time.

One thing I know for sure is that ingesting positivity through reading, music, video, etc, builds a foundation. You plant seeds that take root and grow in time. It's important to intentionally take in as much positivity as possible. Luckily, I'd done that through the years unknowingly preparing myself for the dark times in my life!


The Comeback

There I was crying uncontrollably. I was crying because of my life and also because deep down, I didn't want to give up. Tears raced down my face because I couldn't believe I had reached that point. Somehow In those moments, I remembered my roots. I thought of my daughter (I only had one then) and recalled the faith I'd been raised with. The seeds I'd planted through books, workshops, and the like seemed to blossom right then and there. 

Those seeds had a power I hadn't realized.

I wanted to get up. I wanted to STAND. I couldn't live with failure and in my eyes, failure was giving up. All of a sudden, I knew I could defeat the negative force I was battling! I cried out for any positive entity listening-God, my ancestors, and loved ones in the great beyond- to help me. 

You may not believe it (and that's okay), but instantaneously, I felt freedom where those invisible chains had been. My mind was open and free to hope again. I didn't hate myself nor my life. I wanted to live. I wanted to try again. 

And that's exactly what I did!

Everything wasn't perfect. Let's be real! However, I no longer felt defeated. I wasn't bound by shackles of discouragement and hopelessness. For so long I was without pride but the areas in which my ego was strong, were destroyed! I reached out to those who I knew wanted me to win and were willing to help! Sometimes we have not because we ask not. I took my eyes off of others who I thought to be killin' the game (succeeding) in ways I couldn't.

Comparison was/is the enemy.

Never, and I mean ever, allow yourself to be sucked into the evil that is comparison. It's a greasy, unapologetic thief! Believe that you are exactly where you need to and are supposed to be. If you know that you can do better, then do it! You don't need someone else's timeline, number of followers, ambassadorships, business deals, partnerships, or possessions to be your best YOU. 

Get in your lane and stay there. Become vigilant about who and what you allow into your space. Take your eyes off of and nose out of the business of others. Be honest with yourself and do the work.

When you step up your game and focus on improving, that's when achievement happens. Set yourself up for your comeback. You will be prepared when opportunities arise and therefore, unstoppable.

Get excited about life! Don't resist change. Be open to receive the abundance that is coming your way!



I want to know if you've ever hit rock bottom. Do you remember how it looks/smells/tastes? How did you find your way back to your feet? 

Are you at rock bottom now? If so, what thoughts are you entertaining? What beliefs do you now have about getting back on your feet?

I want to know in the comments below. Also, if you're not too busy, I'd love for you to share this post. When it comes to helping others, I want to reach as many as possible. I can't do that without you.